Catalytic Converter Theft21 August 2019 | Admin Catalytic converter theft is hitting an all time high in the UK. With the Catalytic converter only taking around 60 seconds to either unbolt or cut from the vehicle it makes extremely good money for thieves. Many owners of vehicles such as the Toyota Prius, Honda Jazz, Mazda RX8, Mercedes Sprinter, Ford Ranger. These are just a small selection of vehicles that are targeted for there Catalytic Converters and many customers are trying there best to secure there vehicles. What can we offer that will protect the Catalytic Converter? well we have 2 options that will alert you such as our car alarm range that will sound if attacked or we have the car alarm range that have SMS alerts with push notifications. A Car Alarm with a tilt sensor will instantly trigger the moment the start starts getting jacked up. This will give you and anyone nearby the best audible warning, the vehicles indicators will also flash when the alarm is sounding. If you are looking for the best possible protection, we would recommend the Meta Super Alarm with the additional tilt sensor this system has the full alarm system which protects your vehicle in terms of doors, boot and interior and it also features full smartphone alerts via a smartphone push notification and a text to say your alarm is triggering this will allow you to have the fastest response in getting back to your vehicle if your alarm is sounding. The Meta Super alarm is very cheap to run yearly with the subscription charge costing less than 100 pound per year. This also allows you to track your vehicle via GPS and view all previous routes you have driven in the last 30 days. Some customers also find other ways to secure the Catalytic Converter such as adding additional metal plates that are welded to the underside of the vehicle to slow / delay the thieves when they are attacking your vehicle. The main problem with these types of thefts is the time your vehicle is off the road and the large amount of money it costs to get the vehicle back to a road legal state again. By law you have to have a Catalytic Converter fitted if one is fitted to the vehicle when new at the factory meaning you have no choice but to replace it. Products suggested in this blog post... Meta Can-Bus Alarm ( audible alarm ) Meta Super Alarm ( Audible Alarm & Smartphone Alerts )