Ford Focus ST New Drivers Door Lock Attack Method30 August 2017 | Admin The Focus ST has been one of the no1 Ford stolen in the UK from our research and speaking to customers owning these vehicles. It used to be just the pro's that used to lock pick these vehicles in about 20 seconds then gain entry into the vehicle. causing complete confusion for police and customers not knowing how entry was gained. Now the more so called unprofessional thieves are gaining entry into the Ford Focus vehicles via punching a hole directly into the lock cylinder just above the key slot. This allows them to gain entry into your vehicle by making little to no noise at all. The problem with a huge amount of the Ford Focus vehicles the original alarm is bypassed in seconds meaning the vehicle can be broken into and have a key cloned in seconds and then the vehicle is driving away. Autodefence offer a huge amount of products to keep your vehicle secure in the event of an attack. We would recommend the Focus Cobra ADR alarm which covers standard, ST and RS models. The best part about these systems is they can't be bypassed via the drivers door lock. There is a local company near us in Mablethorpe Steves Autos which can offer drivers door lock repairs if your original lock is damaged.